Progress! Wuhhhaaa
So yesterday we tested the new amplifier boards but we caused an ERROR in controlling the software on the computer. Pretty anoying! Tomorrow we´ll test a new connection cable as we believe that the cable was too long and caused to data loss. However everything else is running by plans. Next week we´ll make the plywood plate for the stand and bass port system. We are currently 2 weeks behind schedule and probably we´ll face another week + in delay. i want to say thanks for your support and we´ll do what we can for your can. We´ll promise it will be super cool and a build for a life time.
Thanks for all your patience.
Photo taken last week when milling out the plywood fronts in smoked oak.
Meanwhile the pre-order campaign will take off these days and we´ll offer 15% off. Delivery late august 2023.
All the speakers are limited editions and will not be restocked.